Located in the central-southern area of Cuba, the province of Cienfuegos is land of proud and charismatic Cubans, with a Historic Centre recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. It is the only Cuban city that was born to parents from other countries, mostly French, something that gives it a unique French-like atmosphere that remains until our days. Next to one of the best bays in the world, thanks to its dimensions, depth and security, this city is considered an architectural jewel having great French influence. A city of remarkable patrimonial constructions, it exhibits a very well preserved historical area, in which constructions of diverse styles harmoniously stand out, and there is an urban layout that confirms it as the Pearl of the South. Its condition as a seafaring city offer multiple facilities for all type of nautical activities. Scuba diving off Cienfuegos province is extremely popular both with tourists and locals. There are numerous underwater caves, and well over 50 dive sites in the province. The natural attractions of Cienfuegos are varied and ideal for nature tourism lovers, perfect to enjoy the warm weather of the province. Be a tourist in Cienfuegos by visiting wonders like El Nicho, the Macizo de Guamuhaya, the Yaguanabo Valley and the Jagua Bay with its amazing environmental and ecological value. Cienfuegos also has a medicinal spa located in Ciego de Montero, 20 km away from the city. The Cienfuegueros are cultured and it shows. The ultimate figure of the music of Cienfuegos is Benny Moré, director, songwriter and singer which grave is a National Monument since 2009; the Cienfuegos literary environment is rich thanks to authors like Clotilde del Carmen Rodriguez, Antonio Hurtado del Valle and Mercedes Matamoros. The Flamenco dance, theatrical activity and visual arts are quite prolific in Cienfuegos too.